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Joseph Caraud was born in Cluny, in the Saã’ne-et-Loire area of France. Indeed, even before he started his creative preparing at the Ãecole des Beaux-Arts, he displayed his first canvases at the Salon of 1843: La Bonne Maman et La Petite Fille and Portrait de M.G.He entered the Ãécole des Beaux-Arts ateliers of Alexandre Abel de Pujol, a previous understudy of Jacques-Louis David, and Charles-Louis Lucien Muller, an authentic and strict scene painter, in Paris, both of whom affected his initial work at the Salons. As both of his mentors were painters, he was first acquainted with likeness while he concentrated with these specialists. His first work dependent on Italian life was his entrance for 1848 entitled Jeune Fille Italienne á la Fontaine (Young Italian Girl at the Fountain) and Italian Offrant un Bijou ü Une Jeune Fille (An Italian Offering Jewelry to a Young Girl).